Our new “stumbled upon” fat burning method and system

  1. Our new “stumbled upon” fat burning method and system for the easiest fat burning we’ve ever experienced.
  2. The Velocity BURN method, the core method and system of this site was discovered out of the pursuit of my perfect fat burning, lean body exercise system that could take very little time (25 minutes every other day) and that could also counter act the damaged caused by hours up upon hours of sitting or standing in front of a computer. 
  3. We invented a new “Intensity Engagement Method” for Accelerated Fat Burning Body Cleansing & Muscle Retention which is at the core of the Velocity BURN system.
  4. Velocity BURN has become my go to exercise method for several years now and always get the job done.
  5. Velocity BURN uses cardio as the tool of exercise such as running outside or the elliptical machine and can be completely done in about 25 minutes.  And that 25 minutes is every OTHER day on top of it.
  6. SAVE HOURS daily by working out from home and not having the go to the gym – from the preparation to the trip to the gym, the socializing, the cleanup, the post work meal, and then being all of a sudden too tired to do anything else… the gym, for many, ends up taking hours when you put it all together.
  7. The good news is that we have developed exercise systems on this site that last 15 to 25 minutes and are far more effective than the gym!
  8. Fat burning perfection!  Minimal time, effort and avoid the emotional drain too.  These workouts are fun for the body meaning that your physical body and your subconscious mind will likely be very happy with them (as opposed to unhappy from which the subconscious mind quickly gets you to sabotage what you’re doing.)
  9. The Velocity BURN approach has become one of the fastest ways of burning fat for me ever. Despite it’s speed, it still met my “lazy” “ideal fat burning system” criteria which is: 1. Don’t drain my energy so I can’t focus on doing anything else. 2. No austerity & misery. 3. Increase my mood and energy. 4. Increase my confidence through rapid confidence.  5. Don’t take a lot of my time! and 6. No going to a gym. 7. Get rid of pain in the body. 8. Keep muscle mass maintained.
  10. Velocity BURN is must have fat burning system to learn! Velocity BURN is designed for anyone who can move, at any age, from whatever physical shape one is in because Velocity BURN is based on a certain biofeedback intensity method that we created. 
  11. “Tap my 30 years of experience in testing fitness methods, performance psychology and fat burning tricks…”
  12. “This method has been absolutely huge for me – and I really only do it for 20-25 minutes a day…”
  13. Learn this program and add it to your fat burning and health boosting arsenal – Click the More info or Add to Cart Button Below.

woman in black tank top and black shorts lying on beach sand during daytime man wearing black shorts standing near ocean

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