Hemp Batteries Last 8 Times Longer than Lithium, Better Than Graphene at 1000th of the Cost
Hemp Batteries? Can You Smoke Them? Probably Would Get Quite a Shock if You Do, a Real Kick! Lasts 8 Times Longer Than Any Current Battery!. Will it Make You High? Probably High in Happiness Because it Cost 1/1000th of a Lithium Ion Battery or a Graphene Based Battery….
Replacing lithium batteries with hemp would make electric cars (and all our other gadgets) WAY more sustainable!
Is there anything hemp can’t do? A year after hemp became legal to grow in the United States, we’ve seen its power to make better clothing, better buildings and better medicine.
Now, there’s something else hemp appears to be better at – making batteries.
Most auto batteries today are made from lithium-ion, an expensive, quickly disappearing material.
A team of American and Canadian researchers have developed a battery that could be used in cars and power tools using hemp bast fiber – the inner bark of the plant that usually ends up in landfill.
They “cooked” the woody pulp and processed them into carbon nanosheets, which they used to build supercapacitors “on a par with or better than graphene” – the industry gold standard.
Graphene is a synthetic carbon material lighter than foil yet bulletproof, but it is prohibitively expensive to make.